Thursday, November 20, 2008

Signs of Autism

It was probably back in March or April that suspicions arose. Elisha began to lose eye contact. He could make eye contact but it was brief. He stopped responding to his name and then he lost already acquired skills, such as speech. I went back and looked at videos before the symptoms manifested. I found a video that I love. It was recorded when he was about 13 months. Notice his response. This was him before:

I love Elisha. Here is a video that I took a couple months ago. If you notice in the following video when I call Elisha's name, Isaac immediately looks at me, while Elisha never responds. Elisha at age 24 months:

August 15, 2008

August 15, 2008 was the day I was told my toddler, 23 months at the time, has Autism. Much has transpired since that day and I have gone back and forth about creating a blog about our journey with Autism. Honestly, sometimes I feel like all I do is talk about Autism. I feel like people may be sick of hearing about it. So I start a blog and then delete it. I will write notes on facebook and then delete them. My emotion during this time is not pleasant.

However, in the midst of it all, I know that God has allowed us to have a child with Autism. I see Him in the middle of this. I do have some really difficult days, which produce a shameful attitude. Nonetheless, I have hope and optimism that God will be glorified and we will see great things through this.

For my friends who read this, please keep us in your prayers. My greatest struggle is entrusting this to God. By default, I will strive without rest to do what needs to be done. The sad effect of such behavior is that Christ is placed second.